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“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

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Every goal you have is like a mountain waiting to be scaled. Before you begin your ascent, you are filled with hope and excitement. You believe you can accomplish anything. Then you hit some unforeseen obstacles. Do you quit in the face of adversity or continue on?

If you are like many people, you give up. You are defeated and humiliated. “I can’t do it.” “It’s too difficult.” When you let these thoughts creep into your head, you have already lost.

What separates those who scale the mountain of adversity versus those who give up?

Our attitude affects everything we do. Click To Tweet

The answer lies within ourselves. Our attitude affects everything we do. If you approach obstacles with a stoic mindset, you will have a much greater chance of success. Instead of viewing adversity as a hindrance, think of it as an opportunity to stretch your capabilities. How can you approach this problem in a new way? What can you do to turn that obstacle into a solution?

Conquering the unconquerable is much more satisfying than giving up. Click To Tweet

Conquering the unconquerable is much more satisfying than giving up. Don’t let a defeatist attitude get in the way of accomplishing your goals. Face your fear head on and don’t give in.

When we are finally reach the peak of the mountain top, we know it was worth it. Our accomplishments do not lie in the goal we’ve achieved, but in our ability to achieve that goal.

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Photo by Zach Dischner

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