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Success vs Value – Albert Einstein Quote Art

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

Print available on Society6.


Success is something we all strive for. Growing up, all I wanted out of life was to be successful. How could I not? In school we are measured by our grades. So I got good grades. Then you need to get into college and graduate in four years. So of course I went to college and graduated in four years. The next big challenge on your way to success is getting a good job. Check another one off the list.

By these standards, I should be a success, but I didn’t feel successful. There was something missing. That was until I started to share my knowledge with others. Since I started my blog for artists, I have felt a deep sense of joy that I never felt before.

If you are even a single step further along your journey than someone else, you still have massive value to provide Click To Tweet

When you start writing, you wonder why anyone would ever listen to you. You think “I’m not an expert.” That may be true, but we all underestimate how much we know. If you are even a single step further along your journey than someone else, you still have massive value to provide. If you can save a single person from going through the same frustrations as you did, it would be worth it.

Having a small following does not exclude you from providing value Click To Tweet

There is nothing like receiving the gratitude of another person. Having a small following does not exclude you from providing value. Every compliment I receive for my writing fuels me to write more. If we are all going to live in this world together, we might as well help each other make the best of it.

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Photo by Edward Simpson

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