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Tag: perseverance

“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker Quote Art

“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker

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There are two ways you can live your life. You can live the ambitious life of a warrior or the fearful life of a worrier.

The warrior chooses to march on despite all odds. They figure their way out of jams. They take what they are given and run with it, even if that means they might fail.

The worrier is content exactly where they are. They are afraid of what might happen if they fail. They take no chances and hope luck will take care of them.

What separates one from the other? Persistence. When adversity strikes, warriors do not give up. They are determined to succeed, no matter the obstacle. Worriers shrink and shrivel. They give up before they’ve even begun.

Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them. Click To Tweet

If you are happy where you are, stay a worrier. It makes it easier for the rest of us. If you are tired of waiting around for something good to happen to you, become a warrior. Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them.

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