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Tag: time

“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.” – Abraham Lincoln Quote Art

“The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.”
― Abraham Lincoln

Print available on Society6.

Being an artist can be overwhelming. You have to create and update a website, you have to market your work, and you have to go to art fairs and other events, among many other things. It’s a wonder you have time to actually create art.

How can you stay focused and productive when there are so many things you need to accomplish?

Instead of trying to multitask, concentrate on your most important tasks Click To Tweet

The secret is living in the present moment one day at a time. Most people become overwhelmed because they try to do too many things at the same time. Instead of trying to multitask, concentrate on your most important tasks. Too often we think we have to do everything all the time. That is simply not the case.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, figure out the most important task you need to accomplish, and do it. It is that simple. Forget everything else on your plate. When your attention is divided, you are not giving each task the proper attention it deserves.

Forget about the future and concentrate on the present Click To Tweet

We are too often concerned about the future. Forget about the future and concentrate on the present. The present moment is the most important moment of your life because you are living it. If you are too wrapped up in the future, you are not living in the present.

Luckily, time is constant. Each day is 24 hours. Each hour is 60 minutes. Each minute is 60 seconds. This means we can determine the amount of time it will take to complete a task. Once we know this, we can give each task its proper due.

The future will come no matter what, but it only comes one day at a time Click To Tweet

The future will come no matter what, but it only comes one day at a time. If you can plan for the future while living in the present moment, you can accomplish anything.

Buy Abraham Lincoln Quote Art