Selling Art, Not Selling Out

Author: Kevin Chung (Page 20 of 21)

Talent vs. Curiosity – Albert Einstein Quote Art

“I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

Print available on Society6.

We are taught that talent is everything. Only virtuosos will be able to fill a concert hall. Prodigies are held up to an impossible standard by the rest of society. What if that didn’t have to be the case?

[bctt tweet=”Talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful”]

Luckily for all of us, talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful. Have you ever wondered what happened to those child prodigies when they grew up? Some grow up and live up to those lofty expectations. Others go on to lead a life like most people. What differentiates those who succeed and those who don’t?

[bctt tweet=”You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed”]

If you are a child who is amazing at playing the piano, but have not desire to do so, will you continue to play? Probably not. You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed.

[bctt tweet=”Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world”]

As artists, you must be a student of the world. Find out what makes you tick, and pursue that without abandon. Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world. Question things. Experiment. Don’t give up.

[bctt tweet=”Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless”]

Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless. Stop worrying about how much talent you have, and let your passion and curiosity guide you.

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Photo by ApertureVintage

Finding Your Purpose – Scott Dinsmore Quote Art

“If we don’t know what we’re looking for, we’re never going to find it.” – Scott Dinsmore

Print available on Society6.

How often do we go through life expecting good things to happen to us? We know we want everything to be better, less blasé. We feel entitled to a better life.

That’s all well and good, but how do you make it happen? There’s no easy answer to this question, but there are some things you can do to make it happen.

Find your purpose

[bctt tweet=”Having a purpose in life makes everything fall into place much easier”]

Having a purpose in life makes everything fall into place much easier. Sure there will be obstacles, but if you find purpose, you will overcome them no matter what.

Commit to achieving goals

[bctt tweet=”The only thing we can control is the amount of effort we put in”]

There is nothing better than achieving a goal. All that hard work you put in finally pays off. Even if you fail, you will learn countless lessons on the way. There are things in life that are out of our control. The only thing we can control is the amount of effort we put in.

Improve yourself every day

When you find your purpose, and set goals for yourself, it is much easier to commit to self-improvement. You can put your energy towards things that will make you better. If you want more sales, find out what makes your audience buy, and tailor your message towards that. If you want to improve your writing, read books on writing and deconstruct what your favorite writers do.

Don’t give up

[bctt tweet=”If you want to succeed and achieve your goals, don’t give up”]

Finding a purpose creates a unique sense of self. You tie your emotions and life to that purpose. When things don’t go your way, it may feel like a pointless endeavor, but you shouldn’t give up. It’s not the smartest people who succeed, it’s the people who pursue their goals relentlessly. If you want to succeed and achieve your goals, don’t give up.

It is rare to know exactly what your purpose in life is. If you are able to find it, life will be much more enjoyable. Sure, there will be ups and downs, but there is nothing better than setting out a goal and actually achieving it.

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Beauty & the Soul – Joseph Addison Quote Art

“There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty.” – Joseph Addison

Print available on Storenvy:

Picture the most amazing sunrise, a waterfall coursing over a cliff, or the night sky being lit by millions of stars. Your mouth is open wide taking in the splendors of the world right down into your soul.

That is the kind of reaction you want to have with your art. You want to be able to grab the viewer and make them think “Wow”.

No one knows better than an artist the type of impact a beautiful scene, sculpture, song, or performance can have on a person. After all, what else could have driven us to create like we do? There is something inside of us that makes us want to share the beauty of the world with others.

[bctt tweet=”If our art can change the course of someone’s life, it will be worth all those long hours toiling over our work”]

If our art can change the course of someone’s life, it will be worth all those long hours toiling over our work. That is why we need to get our work in front of anyone who might be affected by it. My challenge to you is to go out there and have your work touch someone’s soul.

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Photo by Åse Bjøntegård Oftedal

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci Quote Art

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci

Print available on Society6.

“Why didn’t my message connect?” “Why didn’t they understand me?” These questions come up so often, it’s a wonder we haven’t all figured it out yet.

We are all guilty of this mistake, but we do it over and over again. That mistake is making things too complex.

How often have you tried to fluff up your writing with complicated or technical words? Who doesn’t want to sound smart when they are writing or talking?

The problem with this line of thinking is complexity adds too many layers of thought. The greatest orators and writers in the world simplify their message. How else could you get so many people behind your message?

[bctt tweet=”The last thing you want to do when telling your story is make it hard to understand”]

Look no further than the Harry Potter series or speeches made by US presidents. Their messages are clear and easy to understand. The last thing you want to do when telling your story is make it hard to understand.

[bctt tweet=”When you write, make sure your message is simple enough for everyone to understand”]

The next time your message falls flat, think to yourself, “Is my message simple enough?” If it isn’t, try framing it in a way that makes sense to a five year old. When you write, make sure your message is simple enough for everyone to understand.

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You Can’t Use Up Creativity – Maya Angelou Quote Art

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ― Maya Angelou

Print available on Society6.

Maya Angelou’s quote on creativity is a wonderful example of an abundance vs scarcity mindset. Too often, we go through life trying to preserve rather than create. We say things like “How can I cut costs to afford my next vacation?” instead of saying “What can I do to make some extra money to go on my next vacation?”

We have this same mindset when it comes to creativity. “I don’t why to use up all my good ideas.” “I’ll save that one for later.” We are taught to think of everything as a scarce resource. If you think this way when it comes to creativity, you will create very few good ideas.

[bctt tweet=”Creativity is not something you should utilize once in a blue moon.”]

Creativity is not something you should utilize once in a blue moon. It builds up like an avalanche. If you are constantly coming up with ideas, you will never run out. Instead of treating creativity like something that will diminish, think of it like something that can grow stronger the more you use it.

What are your thoughts on creativity? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Buy Maya Angelou Quote Art

How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 3/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for.

Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  You can check out part one here and part two here. In the final part of this three part series, I will give my thoughts on the videos twenty-one through thirty of his Youtube series.

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How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 2/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for.

Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  You can check out part one here. In the second part of this three part series, I will give my thoughts on the videos eleven through twenty of his Youtube series.

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The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday Book Review & Highlights

The Obstacle is the Way

Ryan Holiday  |  ISBN: 1591846358  |  Finished: 7/2014  |  Rating: 9/10

The Obstacle is the Way Summary

Ryan Holiday is one of those people you read about and can’t help but admire. He dropped out of college to work with Robert Greene and has advised some extremely successful authors including Tim Ferriss and Tucker Max. He also served as the director of marketing for American Apparel. He owes much of his success to the ideas and lessons he learned from stoicism.

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How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 1/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for. Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  In this first part of a three part series, I will give my thoughts on the first ten videos of his Youtube series. Continue reading

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