Welcome new members of the How to Market Your Art LinkedIn Group! We are excited to connect with other great artists just like you. Feel free to start great discussions with other artists and help each other learn and grow. By joining this group, you will gain access to some great marketing information for artists. […]
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Choose Yourself! by James Altucher Book Review & Highlights
Choose Yourself! James Altucher, Dick Costolo ISBN: 1490313370 | Finished: 7/2014 | Rating: 9/10 Choose Yourself! Summary I want to thank Derek Sivers for this idea of sharing Kindle highlights for books I’ve read. The first in the series is James Altucher’s Choose Yourself! This book is one of the easiest to read motivational/self-help books there is. James is […]
This page will have all my recommendations for different software, tools, and resources I use. It will be updated as I continue to use and discover more tools and methods. If you have any suggestions, feel free to add them in the comments. Note: Some of my links are affiliate links which I will make […]
I’m glad you can join me on this journey to sell your art online. I’ve made it my goal to help as many artists as possible sell their art and build strong relationships with their customers. You may be asking yourself why you should listen to me. Are you tired of asking yourself any of […]
Looking for a large market to sell your art to? Then you’re probably doing it wrong. Main Photo by Viktor Hanacek Have you ever thought to yourself “Where can I sell my art to a lot of people? or “How do I attract buyers when there are thousands of other artists selling the same thing […]
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About Marketing Your Art the Right Way will show you how to sell your art online without selling out. My name is Kevin Chung and I will be bringing all my knowledge about design, marketing, and psychology to help grow your art business. I’ve been a graphic designer, web designer and web developer since 2008 . […]
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