Marketing Your Art the Right Way

Selling Art, Not Selling Out

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Erik Kruger on Lessons from Failure, Letting Principles Guide You, and Creating Value for Your Audience – Cracking Creativity Episode 82

Erik Kruger is like many of us who became entranced by the idea of lifestyle design. He read Tim Ferriss’s Four Hour Workweek and felt the desire to work as few hours as possible so he could “run around and do other things” with all his extra free time.

So he tried to build businesses that let him live that lifestyle. His first attempt was a local freelance network, which fizzled out. He also tried to create web directories for physical therapists, gyms, and models, but those never gained traction either. He describes all of these unsuccessful projects as his “graveyard of domains” because of all the sites he tried and failed to build.

These failures taught him a valuable lesson. When he started out, his main goal was trying to make a lot of money while working as few hours as possible. But over time, he discovered he was focusing on the wrong thing.

Luckily for Erik, our failures often lead to our greatest success. His success came in the form of Better Man, a site dedicated to helping men change their behaviors to become more productive, habit driven, and successful. This project has grown into a thriving community of like-minded men driven to make the most out of life.

In this episode Erik talks about the lessons we can learn from failure, why you should let your principles guide you, and the importance of creating value for your audience.

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Dave Conrey on the Importance of Connection, the Keys to a Creative Business, and Getting Started – Cracking Creativity Episode 74

Dave Conrey‘s path to becoming a full-time artist is not a simple one. Growing up, he wasn’t that passionate about art, but over time, and after a series of jobs and ventures, he has finally dedicated himself to the idea.

After going to school for art and graphic design, Dave had two separate stints as an art director, but was laid off both times. He also spent time as a author, podcaster, and creator of Fresh Rag, which helped artists sell their work.

After years of feeling unfulfilled, Dave finally decided to put everything else on hiatus to pursue his art full-time.

In this episode, Dave talks about the importance of connecting with others, some of his keys to building a creative business, and getting started.

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Bob Baker on Following Your Curiosity, Being Persistent, and Finding Success as an Artist – Cracking Creativity Episode 69

Bob Baker has always been determined to make a living from his creative career. He started off his career by creating a music publication from scratch, with no prior experience. He didn’t let his lack of experience prevent him from achieving his goals. He just experimented with different ideas until he made it work.

Since that first publication he has expanded his interests well beyond a local music magazine. He has dabbled with writing, painting, and creating courses for aspiring artists. He even got into stand-up and improv comedy.

Bob has not let the starving artist mentality prevent him from making a career out of his creativity. In fact, he has thrived as an artist and creative.

In this episode, Bob talks about doing things that interest you, why you need to be persistent, and what separates successful artists from unsuccessful artists.

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“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” ― Theodore Roosevelt Quote Art

“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.” ― Theodore Roosevelt

Buy this print from Storenvy

I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life. Have you?

I’m not saying this because I am proud of my mistakes. I’m not, but I will tell you what I am proud of.

I’m proud of taking chances. I’m proud of bouncing back from failures. I’m proud of continuing to experiment despite the setbacks. I’m proud that I can say I tried.

If you’ve been paying attention to all the talking heads in the startup and business world, you might believe failure is a good thing. I can tell you this much: failure sucks. Failure does not make you better at business. Failure does not pay the bills. Failure is demoralizing. Even so, the truth is failure is inevitable.

If you want to achieve something great, you will also face failure. It’s not because you are dumb. It’s not because you don’t deserve it. It’s not because you aren’t special.

It’s because you don’t know what you are doing. None of us do when we begin our journeys.

It also doesn’t matter how much you follow an expert’s suggestions. You will still encounter failure. You will make mistakes. You will find obstacles all along the way.

The good news is, you will learn from your mistakes. You will learn what to do and what not to do. You will make tweaks to your process. You will adapt and change until you discover what works for you.

That is why we must embrace experimentation. We must embrace taking action despite the fact that we will run over speed bumps along the way. We must be willing to embrace the unknown.

If we don’t, we will never achieve anything. If you want to go through life without any blemishes on your record, you might as well give up now because the only people who don’t make mistakes are those who don’t do anything.

Photo by Pach Brothers

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Catherine Orer on Multiple Paths to Success, the Importance of Gratitude, and Becoming Part of a Community – Cracking Creativity on Episode 53

Catherine Orer was an award winning communications and PR expert for multinational corporations for years, but that job never felt fulfilling to her. So, when the opportunity to study at Christies in Paris opened up, she jumped on it.

While in Paris she gained hands on experience working in contemporary art galleries. After her studies, she brought this knowledge and experience back to Canada. While working at an art gallery in Montreal, many artists approached her for help. This began Catherine’s journey as The Artist Entrepreneur.

In this episode, find out why gratitude is so important, why there isn’t just one path to success, and why artists should find support.

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Kevin Chung on Art, Creativity, and Lessons Learned While Cracking Creativity – Cracking Creativity Episode 50

This week is going to be a little different. Instead of interviewing another creative, I wanted to celebrate the fiftieth episode of Cracking Creativity by having someone else interview me.

I had my friend and former podcast guest, Jacques Ho, interview me. He has been a huge part of my work on this site and this podcast. Each week we meet to discuss what we are working on while also keeping each other accountable to our goals. He has a lot of insights on my work, which I thought would be great to have for this episode.

In it, I discuss the beginnings of my creative journey, why I started my blog Marketing Your Art the Right Way, my quote art collection and upcoming book, influences for my work, my podcast, and much more.

By the time you finish this episode, I hope you have a better idea of why I started this site and why I want to help all of you on your creative and artistic journeys.

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“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Quote Art

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Print available on Storenvy.

Everyone wants to live in a better world but have you done your part to make it better?

I am by no means better than anyone else. I am fallible to mistakes. I lose my temper. I don’t give as much as I can. Despite all of this, I am still trying to make the world a better place in my own way.

No, I’m not aspiring for world peace or trying to end world hunger, but I am trying to make my own dent in the world. Here are a few ways that I am trying to make a change in the world:

Inspiring Others

The best way to inspire is by example Click To Tweet

I have always found inspiration an interesting topic. We can’t force someone to be inspired. We can try to inspire people all we want, but I believe the best way to inspire is by example.

Even if you are in the beginning stages of your adventure, you are still farther along than others. If you can show people what is possible, you can become an inspiration to them.

Telling Positive Stories

Every day, we encounter people telling us how horrible the world is. The news mostly shows us the negative side of humanity. In my pursuit to help artists, I try to share the positive aspects of humanity.

I want to show people what is possible if you are dedicated to your craft. I want to show people that success is possible. I want to promote people who are making a difference in this world.

Sharing Knowledge

Knowledge is one of the most important things you can attain towards becoming a better artist, a better creative, and a better person. I am constantly on the quest to find new knowledge.

When you have knowledge, you can make better decisions. You can follow the footsteps of people who came before you , and you can also go off the beaten path.

The more knowledgeable we all are, the better off we will be Click To Tweet

That is why I want to share my knowledge with all of you. The more knowledgeable we all are, the better off we will be. It can be hard to make it on our own without seeking to become a more informed person.

Knowledge, however, isn’t all that is necessary to succeed in life. You must also take action.

Pushing People Into Action

What separates people who move up in life versus those who don’t? It’s not how smart you are, how attractive you are, or how loud you are. It’s taking the knowledge you have and putting it into action.

You can be smart, and still make nothing of your life. Attractiveness gives you a slight edge, but it can only take you so far. You can be the most vocal person around, but no one has to listen.

It is only when you put your ideas into action that you can succeed Click To Tweet

It is only when you put your ideas into action that you can succeed. That is why I try to push people into doing something.

If you are feeling stuck in your art practice or in your life, don’t sit around worrying about it. Do something about it.

Taking action provides incredible results Click To Tweet

Taking action provides incredible results. If I didn’t take action, I would use all my free time watching Netflix. Instead, I choose to take action and make progress on my goals. You should too.

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“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – W.B. Yeats Quote Art

“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.” – W.B. Yeats

Print available on Storenvy.

For a long time, I believed in the myth of sudden and instantaneous inspiration. I believed that an apple would hit me while sitting under a tree. I believed that lightning would strike my key while flying a kite in a storm. I believed that a tiny lightbulb would appear above my head when I had an insight.

The biggest myth about creativity is that you will have these moments of clarity. That you don’t have to do any work for inspiration to strike. That you just have to wait for the muse to descend upon you.

If you want great ideas to come to you, you must seek them first. Click To Tweet

What I’ve learned through a lot of reading, some interviews, and a lot of effort is inspiration doesn’t work like that. If you want great ideas to come to you, you must seek them first.

Creativity is a muscle, just like any other muscle. You must put it to use or it will atrophy. If you want to be creative, you must follow the stages of creativity.

According to psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman, creativity comes in four basic stages.


In order to come up with new solutions, you have to first learn a lot about the subject you are tackling. This is the information gathering stage.


Then, you must walk away. This is the stage many people neglect. They pour over the problem until they can’t think anymore. But, you must let your mind wander if you want it to come up with a creative solution.


This is the spark of inspiration many of us have been looking for. It is that moment when all those ideas you were exploring come together and finally make sense.


Most people will stop once they have that eureka moment, but creativity doesn’t end there. Your idea must be put into action. Anyone can have a good idea, but true creativity is harnessing your ideas and putting them to use.

Far too many people wait for the right moment before they take action Click To Tweet

Far too many people wait for the right moment before they take action. They want the benefits of success without the work required to achieve it. Luckily for you, you now know better.

If you want to find success for your art, you have to do the work Click To Tweet

If you want good ideas to come to you, you must seek them. If you want to find success for your art, you have to do the work.

Taking action is the only way to make your dreams come true. Don’t wait around for someone or something to give you an opportunity. Make your own opportunities.

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Photo by TiBine

Photo by Unsplash

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” – Paulo Coelho Quote Art

“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.” – Paulo Coelho

Print available on Storenvy.

As creatives, we are often thought of as dreamers. We dream of our art being “discovered”. We dream of people clamoring over our work. We dream of a life where we can just create.

The thing is, we are dreamers, but often times, we are not doers.

A little over a year ago, I was a dreamer too. I dreamed that I could help artists get exposure for their work. I dreamed that I could help artists in the subject they are most uncomfortable: marketing. I dreamed that I could have my own podcast and share my thoughts with the world.

I am no longer just a dreamer. I am a doer too. Instead of letting my dreams die, I took action on them. That is the only reason you are reading this. Without action, I would be like many creatives, dreaming my life away.

Dreams will get you nowhere without action Click To Tweet

There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer. In fact, I would argue it is absolutely essential for artists to be dreamers. The problem is, you can’t just be a dreamer. Dreams will get you nowhere without action.

The only thing that separates those who succeed from those who don’t is taking action and not giving up. When I embarked on this adventure, I didn’t have everything planned out.

Often times we want a perfect blueprint of what we should be doing and when we should be doing it. We want someone to tell us exactly what to do without figuring it out for ourselves.

The path to success is not linear. Nothing is ever perfect Click To Tweet

I’ll tell you this, the path to success is not linear. Nothing is ever perfect. If you have been waiting for the perfect formula to bring you success, you will be waiting a very long time.

And that’s a good thing. If life were a formula you could just follow, it would quickly become dull. Life is about the journey, not the destination.

I’ve talked to many creatives and one commonality they all have is their unconventional paths. No one told them what to do. They discovered it on their own.

When we are children, we think the adults have it figured out. We think there is this magical switch that turns on and we’ll know exactly what to do. If you haven’t figured it out yet, that switch doesn’t exist.

If you have a dream, there is only one thing left to do: take action Click To Tweet

If you have a dream, there is only one thing left to do: take action. Instead of hoping your dreams will come true, make them come true.

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Photo by Flickr user pslee999

Cracking Creativity Episode 22: Brad Beckstrom on Owning His Own Agencies, Living Lean, and Finding Happiness in Photography

Brad Beckstrom has built a career in advertising, but has found happiness in living lean and his creative pursuits. On his blog The Frug, Brad talks about what it is like to live lean, work lean, and travel lean.  In this episode, Brad talks about what it was like going into advertising and owning his own agencies, how he began living lean, and his creative quest to take 100,000 photographs.

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