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Tag: Bob Baker

Bob Baker on Following Your Curiosity, Being Persistent, and Finding Success as an Artist – Cracking Creativity Episode 69

Bob Baker has always been determined to make a living from his creative career. He started off his career by creating a music publication from scratch, with no prior experience. He didn’t let his lack of experience prevent him from achieving his goals. He just experimented with different ideas until he made it work.

Since that first publication he has expanded his interests well beyond a local music magazine. He has dabbled with writing, painting, and creating courses for aspiring artists. He even got into stand-up and improv comedy.

Bob has not let the starving artist mentality prevent him from making a career out of his creativity. In fact, he has thrived as an artist and creative.

In this episode, Bob talks about doing things that interest you, why you need to be persistent, and what separates successful artists from unsuccessful artists.

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“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker Quote Art

“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker

Print available on Society6.

There are two ways you can live your life. You can live the ambitious life of a warrior or the fearful life of a worrier.

The warrior chooses to march on despite all odds. They figure their way out of jams. They take what they are given and run with it, even if that means they might fail.

The worrier is content exactly where they are. They are afraid of what might happen if they fail. They take no chances and hope luck will take care of them.

What separates one from the other? Persistence. When adversity strikes, warriors do not give up. They are determined to succeed, no matter the obstacle. Worriers shrink and shrivel. They give up before they’ve even begun.

Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them. Click To Tweet

If you are happy where you are, stay a worrier. It makes it easier for the rest of us. If you are tired of waiting around for something good to happen to you, become a warrior. Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them.

Buy Bob Baker Quote Art

How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 3/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for.

Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  You can check out part one here and part two here. In the final part of this three part series, I will give my thoughts on the videos twenty-one through thirty of his Youtube series.

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How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 2/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for.

Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  You can check out part one here. In the second part of this three part series, I will give my thoughts on the videos eleven through twenty of his Youtube series.

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How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 1/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for. Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  In this first part of a three part series, I will give my thoughts on the first ten videos of his Youtube series. Continue reading