Marketing Your Art the Right Way

Selling Art, Not Selling Out

Tag: Earl Nightingale

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale Quote Art

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.” – Earl Nightingale

Print available on Society6.

What do you want? This may seem like a simple question, but most of us don’t know the answer. Do you want to achieve fame through your work? Do you want to sell enough work to live comfortably? Do you want to travel the world displaying your work? Do you want it all?

The problem many artists face without knowing it is, what do you want out of your art? Sure, you may get joy out of the sheer act of creation, but what is the underlying purpose of your work?

If you want to create art for art’s sake, that fine and good. If, however, you want more out of all the hard work you put into your art, you need to find purpose.

My purpose is helping artists achieve the goals they set out for themselves and their artwork. I want to take all the knowledge I’ve learned over the years in marketing, psychology, and creativity, and use it to help others like myself. If I can’t use my knowledge to help others, what’s the point in having it?

If you can find and set out a worthy goal, you will find success along with it. Click To Tweet

My challenge to you is to find your purpose. Discover what your goals are for your work. If you can find and set out a worthy goal, you will find success along with it.

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