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Tag: Leonardo da Vinci

Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci Quote Art

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci

Print available on Society6.

“Why didn’t my message connect?” “Why didn’t they understand me?” These questions come up so often, it’s a wonder we haven’t all figured it out yet.

We are all guilty of this mistake, but we do it over and over again. That mistake is making things too complex.

How often have you tried to fluff up your writing with complicated or technical words? Who doesn’t want to sound smart when they are writing or talking?

The problem with this line of thinking is complexity adds too many layers of thought. The greatest orators and writers in the world simplify their message. How else could you get so many people behind your message?

The last thing you want to do when telling your story is make it hard to understand Click To Tweet

Look no further than the Harry Potter series or speeches made by US presidents. Their messages are clear and easy to understand. The last thing you want to do when telling your story is make it hard to understand.

When you write, make sure your message is simple enough for everyone to understand Click To Tweet

The next time your message falls flat, think to yourself, “Is my message simple enough?” If it isn’t, try framing it in a way that makes sense to a five year old. When you write, make sure your message is simple enough for everyone to understand.

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