Selling Art, Not Selling Out

Tag: quote (Page 9 of 9)

Success vs Value – Albert Einstein Quote Art

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein

Print available on Society6.


Success is something we all strive for. Growing up, all I wanted out of life was to be successful. How could I not? In school we are measured by our grades. So I got good grades. Then you need to get into college and graduate in four years. So of course I went to college and graduated in four years. The next big challenge on your way to success is getting a good job. Check another one off the list.

By these standards, I should be a success, but I didn’t feel successful. There was something missing. That was until I started to share my knowledge with others. Since I started my blog for artists, I have felt a deep sense of joy that I never felt before.

[bctt tweet=”If you are even a single step further along your journey than someone else, you still have massive value to provide”]

When you start writing, you wonder why anyone would ever listen to you. You think “I’m not an expert.” That may be true, but we all underestimate how much we know. If you are even a single step further along your journey than someone else, you still have massive value to provide. If you can save a single person from going through the same frustrations as you did, it would be worth it.

[bctt tweet=”Having a small following does not exclude you from providing value”]

There is nothing like receiving the gratitude of another person. Having a small following does not exclude you from providing value. Every compliment I receive for my writing fuels me to write more. If we are all going to live in this world together, we might as well help each other make the best of it.

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Photo by Edward Simpson

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. Quote Art

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

(This quote is often attributed to Carl Sagan, but it is unknown who actually came up with it.)

Print available on Society6.

Who are the most revered people in history? The trailblazers, the explorers, and the discoverers are all revered, and for good reason. They helped break new grounds in geography and science and forever changed the world.

In the middle of the 20th century, we were in the thick of the Cold War. It was an arms race to see who could be the strongest nation on Earth, but it was also a race in space exploration. A brand new frontier was being explored. It led to the first people ever to go into space. We had men walk on the moon. The impossible became possible.

[bctt tweet=”What discoveries can we make that will forever change the world? “]

As artists, we need our moon landing. What discoveries can we make that will forever change the world? You might be telling yourself “I just want to create.” Creation is great, but most of us are just scratching the surface of what art can be.

[bctt tweet=”Go out and see what incredible things we can find”]

We need to discover and uncover new methods of communication. Can we build something like the Holodeck in Star Trek? What immersive experiences await us? Instead of treating art as a product, we should go out and see what incredible things we can find. We need to make the unknown, known.

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Photo by Takashi Hososhima

Life – James Dean Quote Art

“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” – James Dean

Print available on Society6.

This is a call to all you dreamers out there.

We live in a world where what once seemed impossible becomes possible. All of the world’s known knowledge is at our fingertips. We can travel across the globe in hours. We can talk to others who speak a foreign language without having to learn it.

[bctt tweet=”What can you do to bring a positive change upon the world?”]

We live a world filled with potential. There has been no greater time in history than the present, and we must not squander it. What can you do to bring a positive change upon the world? Sure, not everyone can build the next Google or Facebook, but who says we have to.

[bctt tweet=”Our dreams are only limited by our faith in accomplishing them. “]

Our dreams are only limited by our faith in accomplishing them. Instead of complaining about your present situation, find a way to change it. Make lofty goals, and do everything you can to achieve them. They may seem impossible at the moment, but work at it each day, and you will come that much closer to achieving it.

[bctt tweet=”We only get one life to live. We might as well make the best of it.”]

In order to do that, you must get started. Don’t wait until tomorrow, or next week, or next year. Get started today and you can be on your way to achieving your dreams. After all, we only get one life to live. We might as well make the best of it.

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Talent vs. Curiosity – Albert Einstein Quote Art

“I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

Print available on Society6.

We are taught that talent is everything. Only virtuosos will be able to fill a concert hall. Prodigies are held up to an impossible standard by the rest of society. What if that didn’t have to be the case?

[bctt tweet=”Talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful”]

Luckily for all of us, talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful. Have you ever wondered what happened to those child prodigies when they grew up? Some grow up and live up to those lofty expectations. Others go on to lead a life like most people. What differentiates those who succeed and those who don’t?

[bctt tweet=”You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed”]

If you are a child who is amazing at playing the piano, but have not desire to do so, will you continue to play? Probably not. You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed.

[bctt tweet=”Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world”]

As artists, you must be a student of the world. Find out what makes you tick, and pursue that without abandon. Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world. Question things. Experiment. Don’t give up.

[bctt tweet=”Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless”]

Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless. Stop worrying about how much talent you have, and let your passion and curiosity guide you.

Buy Albert Einstein Quote Art

Photo by ApertureVintage

Finding Your Purpose – Scott Dinsmore Quote Art

“If we don’t know what we’re looking for, we’re never going to find it.” – Scott Dinsmore

Print available on Society6.

How often do we go through life expecting good things to happen to us? We know we want everything to be better, less blasé. We feel entitled to a better life.

That’s all well and good, but how do you make it happen? There’s no easy answer to this question, but there are some things you can do to make it happen.

Find your purpose

[bctt tweet=”Having a purpose in life makes everything fall into place much easier”]

Having a purpose in life makes everything fall into place much easier. Sure there will be obstacles, but if you find purpose, you will overcome them no matter what.

Commit to achieving goals

[bctt tweet=”The only thing we can control is the amount of effort we put in”]

There is nothing better than achieving a goal. All that hard work you put in finally pays off. Even if you fail, you will learn countless lessons on the way. There are things in life that are out of our control. The only thing we can control is the amount of effort we put in.

Improve yourself every day

When you find your purpose, and set goals for yourself, it is much easier to commit to self-improvement. You can put your energy towards things that will make you better. If you want more sales, find out what makes your audience buy, and tailor your message towards that. If you want to improve your writing, read books on writing and deconstruct what your favorite writers do.

Don’t give up

[bctt tweet=”If you want to succeed and achieve your goals, don’t give up”]

Finding a purpose creates a unique sense of self. You tie your emotions and life to that purpose. When things don’t go your way, it may feel like a pointless endeavor, but you shouldn’t give up. It’s not the smartest people who succeed, it’s the people who pursue their goals relentlessly. If you want to succeed and achieve your goals, don’t give up.

It is rare to know exactly what your purpose in life is. If you are able to find it, life will be much more enjoyable. Sure, there will be ups and downs, but there is nothing better than setting out a goal and actually achieving it.

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Beauty & the Soul – Joseph Addison Quote Art

“There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty.” – Joseph Addison

Print available on Storenvy:

Picture the most amazing sunrise, a waterfall coursing over a cliff, or the night sky being lit by millions of stars. Your mouth is open wide taking in the splendors of the world right down into your soul.

That is the kind of reaction you want to have with your art. You want to be able to grab the viewer and make them think “Wow”.

No one knows better than an artist the type of impact a beautiful scene, sculpture, song, or performance can have on a person. After all, what else could have driven us to create like we do? There is something inside of us that makes us want to share the beauty of the world with others.

[bctt tweet=”If our art can change the course of someone’s life, it will be worth all those long hours toiling over our work”]

If our art can change the course of someone’s life, it will be worth all those long hours toiling over our work. That is why we need to get our work in front of anyone who might be affected by it. My challenge to you is to go out there and have your work touch someone’s soul.

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Photo by Åse Bjøntegård Oftedal

The Impediment to Action

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.” – Marcus Aurelius

Print available on Society6.

I’d like to share my new project with you. This is the first in a series of quotes that inspire me. I first ran into Marcus Aurelius and the idea of stoicism while reading Ryan Holiday’s amazing book The Obstacle is the Way. Before I get into the quote, let’s delve a little into stoicism and Marcus Aurelius.


Stoicism is a philosophy, developed in the 3rd century BC, that says destructive emotions result from errors in judgement and a person of “moral and intellectual perfection” would not suffer from these emotions. Stoics preach self-control and being an unbiased thinker. These principles help you come up with logical solutions to problems, by looking at them objectively, instead of being bogged down by them.

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was the Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD and is considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers.  He wrote his great work Meditations as a resource for his own self-improvement. This title was added after his death, the original just said “To Myself”. He never intended for his work to be used as a published work, it was meant as a source for his own guidance. In it, he writes about analyzing judgement, perspective, rationality, and clear mindedness.

Back to the quote

This quote emphasizes the idea of turning obstacles into strengths. Instead of letting obstacles stand in your way, you should find a way to turn it into an advantage. Holiday’s book is filled with tons of examples of this principle, but a modern day example that stuck is President Obama’s Reverend Wright scandal. Instead of trying to cover up the scandal, Obama used it to deliver this powerful speech on race. Instead of letting his former pastor’s comments derail his campaign, he used it to start a dialogue about race in the United States. The New Yorker even wrote an article about how the speech enabled him to save his candidacy.

If you found any of this information interesting, I recommend reading The Obstacle is the Way. I plan on doing a more extensive write-up of the book, but you should definitely read it yourself.

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Resources: Marcus Aurelius Photo  |  Background Pattern

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