“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” – Judy Garland
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How often do you compare yourself to others?
If you are like most people, it happens far too often. We can’t help but notice how well they are all doing. These thoughts frequently flood our minds: “She has so many followers.” “Why does his work get so much attention?” “Why can’t I be like them?”
I am here to tell you this does you no good. Comparing yourself to others will not help you get further in life or with your art. It only creates envy and jealousy.
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When you constantly compare yourself to others, you will try imitating your way to success. “It worked for them, why wouldn’t it work for me?” I hate to break it to you but you can’t replicate your way to success, nor should you try to.
[bctt tweet=”Stop trying to be another version of someone else”]
Stop trying to be another version of someone else. Become a better version of yourself instead.
How do you do this?
By Choosing Yourself. What does it mean to choose yourself? It means following what James Altucher calls the “daily practice”, which is being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy.
When most people think of being healthy, they only think of physical health. But physical health is not enough. Every part of you must work in conjuction to be truly healthy.
When you follow the daily practice, your best self will shine through. Things will start coming together in mysterious ways. Your body will feel great, you will have strong relationships, your mind will work better than ever, and you will be at peace with your life.
When you choose yourself and stop trying to be like everyone else, you become a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else.
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Photo by tanjila ahmed
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