“I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” – George S. Patton Print available on Society6. General George Patton was especially equipped to judge the spirit and fight within a person. During his tenure as a General of the U.S. Army during World […]
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” Print available on Storenvy. This quote is often misattributed to Winston Churchill. Learn more about its origins on Quote Investigator. Success Most people think success is a destination you can reach. “If only I was as successful as she […]
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” – Albert Einstein Print available on Society6. Success is something we all strive for. Growing up, all I wanted out of life was to be successful. How could I not? In school we are measured by our grades. So I got good […]
Making a living as an artist may seem like an unreachable goal. There are thousands upon thousands of artists trying to get the attention of an easily distracted audience. You might even think to yourself “Why bother? I will never be able to make a living off of my art. I’ll just stick with my […]
Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s […]
Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s […]
Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s […]
This article is based on a question that was asked on Quora: Set SMART goals and work towards them Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters Most of us have goals. We might not share them with the world, but we have internalized them and we want to work towards them. Having goals is good, but it’s usually […]
Nick Gray is the founder of Museum Hack, a twist on the traditional museum experience. The funny thing about Nick is, he used to hate museums. That is until he went on a date that forever changed his life. During a snowy day in NYC, a girl brought him to the Metropolitan Museum of Art […]
Erik Young is one of my friends from high school. In this episode we broke from the normal format of the show and talked about our thoughts on creativity, inspiration, the education system, and learning from your mistakes. We also talked about some of the projects he’s worked on including his children’s book and work […]
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