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Search results: "curiosity" (page 3 of 3)

Michael Zaytsev on Mindsets, Coaching, and Starting His Own Venture in High NY – Cracking Creativity Episode 33

Michael Zaytsev is a life coach and founder of High NY. Before taking on his current roles, he was a financial analyst for J.P. Morgan and a sales rep for Google. In this episode, Michael talks about lessons he learned at J.P. Morgan and Google, why coaching is important, and why he took up the mantle at High NY.

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Kim Nicol on Her Journey into Mindfulness, How Mindfulness Helps High Powered People, and the Many Ways She Teaches – Cracking Creativity Episode 29

Kim Nicol teaches meditations and mindfulness and has helped thousands of people find calm in everyday moments. In this episode Kim talks about how she went from marketing, to being a lawyer, to becoming a mindfulness and meditations teacher. She also talks about how to relate to others and the many different ways she helps bring mindfulness into people’s everyday lives.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 27: Lee Moyer on learning from others, dealing with criticism, and his Kickstarter game

Lee Moyer is a polymath and illustrator who has been working for over 35 years. He has worked with book publishers, theaters, and game developers among many other things. In this episode, we talk about a lot of topics including learning from others, how to handle criticism and information overload, and his Kickstarter project The Doom that Came to Atlantic City.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 26: Katy Walker and Joel Mejia on Taking Action, Working with Limitations, and Empowering Others

Katy Walker and Joel Mejia are the co-directors of the Time is Art documentary, a film that follow’s Jennifer Palmer’s journey after her aunt’s death and her exploration of synchronicity. They are also the minds behind Things Are Changing Productions, a creative collective that produces youth media programs, indie films, and music videos. In this episode we explore what you must do to take action, why you should work with limitations, and the benefits of empowering others.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 25: Jennifer Palmer on the Power of a Single Event, Being the Subject of a Documentary, and the Power of Technology

Jennifer Palmer is the subject of the upcoming documentary on synchronicity: Time is Art. She is also a writer and the co-founder of SyncChast, a platform that connects people with thought leaders, artists, and pioneers for change. In this episode, Jennifer talked about how her aunt’s death changed her life, what it was like being the subject of a documentary, and how technology is a powerful tool for connecting people.

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Why You Should Listen to The School of Greatness from Lewis Howes

Who inspires you?

That’s not a rhetorical question. I want you to think about it. If you can’t think of anyone who inspires you to accomplish great things, you need to start looking. You need people in your life who can help you get over the hump, people who light a fire under you.

For me, one of those inspiring people is Lewis Howes. If you are new to the online world of entrepreneurship you may not know his name, but he inspires thousands of people every day. Lewis has built a multi-million dollar business from scratch, he speaks around the world, and he has advised billion dollar brands.

It hasn’t always been this way. When he was younger Lewis played professional football, until injuries cut his career short. He found himself broken, living on his sister’s couch.

It was in that pivotal moment of life that Lewis decided to make a change. Instead of continuing to wallow in self-pity, he decided to embark on his next stage in life.

He learned about business, marketing, and adding value to influential people. He sought mentorship from those he admired. He began his own events teaching people about the power of LinkedIn. He mastered the art of webinars so he could reach a broader audience. He started his own podcast, The School of Greatness, and his own mastermind, the School of Greatness Academy.

Instead of giving up and settling for less, Lewis took control of his life. He pivoted when life was not going his way.

For those of you interested in Lewis Howe’s story, I can’t recommend his The School of Greatness Podcast enough. It is one of the few shows where I enjoy every episode I listen to. Below are some of the reasons to listen to the School of Greatness:

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Cracking Creativity Episode 7: Christina Salerno on Living Quirky, Finding Yourself, Connecting with Others, and Being Creative

Christina Salerno is the founder of Living Quirky, a site where people can discover and celebrate what makes us extraordinary. In this episode, Christina talks about finding her purpose in life, how we can connect with others, and things we can do to be more creative.

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“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.” – Voltaire Quote Art

“Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.” – Voltaire

Print available on Society6.

Humans as a species have always questioned their existence in the universe and their knowledge of it. Throughout history philosophers, scientists, and explorers have tested their assumptions. We have never stopped questioning what we assume to be true.

Even now, there are so many things we don’t know about the universe. We are constantly exploring new frontiers and making discoveries. What drives this curiosity?

We are uncomfortable with the unknown Click To Tweet

We are uncomfortable with the unknown. We want to know how the world works. We want to know what lies beyond our tiny part of the universe. We want to know how the mind works and what drives us.

It ‘s only through this position of uncertainty that we can expand our knowledge of the world. Don’t believe me? Just look at all the things people throughout history have been certain about.

We used to believe the Earth was flat. We used to believe we were the center of the universe. We used to believe sacrifices would please the Gods.

It wasn’t just individuals who believed these things. Entire societies held these beliefs. They believed in these ideas so much that they would persecute anyone who didn’t believe them too. That may sound harsh, but it is still happening today.

Let go of all your assumptions about the world and become comfortable with uncertainty Click To Tweet

That is why we should never pretend to know all the answers. We must question what we believe to be true and figure things out on our own. Don’t let people tell you things are certain. It is only by having an inquisitive mind that we can learn and grow as people. Let go of all your assumptions about the world and become comfortable with uncertainty.

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Voltaire Image Courtesy of Wikimedia

“The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them.” – Anton Chekhov Quote Art

“The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them.”
― Anton Chekhov

Print available on Society6.

Artists have a gift. With a single stroke of the brush, they can tell an entire story. They can make someone laugh or cry just by putting their pen to paper. Their music can bring joy or sadness.

So why do we celebrate when someone says they want to be a doctor or a lawyer, but feel sorry for them if they say they want to be an artist? There is a stigma around being an artist. They think we “sit around all day and paint pretty pictures.” They think we will starve while trying to find success. There is no room for these thoughts.

By asking questions, we create conversations Click To Tweet

By asking questions, we create conversations. We make people think about themselves and their place in the world.

Asking questions also opens people up to new possibilities. Books and movies are not only great entertainment, but they also shape our future. How much of the technology we have today was inspired by a great artist’s mind?

Artists have the ability to change the world Click To Tweet

Artists have the ability to change the world. We can change a person’s mind without saying a thing. It is time we show people what it means to be an artist.

We must show people how our work inspires movements, how it can lift you up when you are down, how it asks questions about ourselves.

Here are some ways we can be an artist that asks questions instead of answering them:

Seek Knowledge

The best way to ask better questions is by learning. Every time you learn something new, you should have more questions than answers. How does this information fit into your views? How can you reflect that in your art?

Become Curious

Curiosity should be the lifeblood of an artist Click To Tweet

Some artists choose to live in a bubble. They paint the same pictures. They do the same things. They stick to their guns. Don’t be that artist. Curiosity should be the lifeblood of an artist. What new ideas can you explore? Become curious and learn to ask why.

Explore the World

Go see what the world has to offer Click To Tweet

We live in a world where you are constantly connected. We can spend our entire life staring at the screens in front of us, or we can explore the world. Exploring the world makes you question how much you know. So go see what the world has to offer.

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How To Be an Empowered & Successful Artist (Part 2/3)

Bob Baker has a movement. It’s not just some idea he came up with to make money or become famous. It’s a vision to change the world and how the world view artists. He wants to inspire artists and creatives of all types to “express themselves, hone their skills, and share their talents with the world!” That’s a mission and vision worth fighting for.

Bob was kind enough to provide immense value to artists everywhere with his free Youtube video series “30 Ways to Become an Empowered Artist.” I’m just doing my part to spread the word about this lofty and empowering creative revolution.  You can check out part one here. In the second part of this three part series, I will give my thoughts on the videos eleven through twenty of his Youtube series.

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