Marketing Your Art the Right Way

Selling Art, Not Selling Out

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Catherine Orer on Multiple Paths to Success, the Importance of Gratitude, and Becoming Part of a Community – Cracking Creativity on Episode 53

Catherine Orer was an award winning communications and PR expert for multinational corporations for years, but that job never felt fulfilling to her. So, when the opportunity to study at Christies in Paris opened up, she jumped on it.

While in Paris she gained hands on experience working in contemporary art galleries. After her studies, she brought this knowledge and experience back to Canada. While working at an art gallery in Montreal, many artists approached her for help. This began Catherine’s journey as The Artist Entrepreneur.

In this episode, find out why gratitude is so important, why there isn’t just one path to success, and why artists should find support.

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Thom Fox on Life Changing Moments, the Importance of Strong Relationships, and The Value of a Startup Mentality – Cracking Creativity Episode 48

Thom Fox is a strategy consultant who helps companies with complex problems. He has created economic empowerment programs that have reached over 3 million people and has conducted 1,200 seminars, workshops and keynotes. But his story wasn’t always one filled with success.

Thom started off in a life of crime and with an addiction to angel dust. He broke into people’s homes and got arrested at the age of 14. It wasn’t until he was 19 years old that he realized he needed to make a change in his life. It was in that moment that clarity was brought into his life, and got him on the path towards success.

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Brandon Lee on Reinvention, Making an Impact, and Mentorship – Cracking Creativity Episode 36

Brandon Lee is an an entrepreneur and writer. After spending three years an an international speaker for churches and nonprofits, he reinvented himself and became a real estate investor. In this episode, Brandon talks about reinventing himself, making an impact, and mentorship.

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“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” – Confucius Quote Art

“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.”- Confucius

Print available on Storenvy.

Far too often we’re concerned with reaching our destination. We want to do things as fast as we can. We want to “make it” before we’ve had the chance to think things through. The problem is, when we don’t immediately find the success we are looking for, we give up.

We have become far too impatient with ourselves and the world around us Click To Tweet

We have become far too impatient with ourselves and the world around us. We rarely take the time to reflect on our goals and how we can achieve them. There’s a reason they say Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Here are some things I try to tell myself when things aren’t going as quickly as I would like:

Greatness isn’t achieved overnight

Everything worth doing takes time Click To Tweet

Everything worth doing takes time. We shouldn’t try to rush to success. We need to be more patient with ourselves.

Leonardo da Vinci, the master of his craft, spent 3-4 years painting the Mona Lisa, and still wasn’t done. Michelangelo, another great master, took over two years to create the statue of David. It took Disney and his crew 3 years to make Snow White. J.K. Rowling spent five years planning out the seven books in the Harry Potter series, and it took seven years between coming up with the idea to publishing her first book.

All this goes to show that great works of art take time. You don’t need to rush to bring your idea, or your piece of art, to the world.

The important thing to remember is to not give up. If you truly believe in what you are creating, you won’t give up at the first sign of adversity. Give your art as much time as it needs.

Failure isn’t permanent

Failure is not the end of the world. Every failure teaches us a valuable lesson. We can’t let a single failure set us back. Instead, we need to learn from them.

Albert Einstein wasn’t always considered a genius. He didn’t speak until he was four. According to legend, Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before he created the light bulb. Abraham Lincoln had multiple business failures and lost many elections before he became president of the United States. Oprah Winfrey’s first boss told her she was too emotional and not right for TV.

It's what you do after failures that truly matters Click To Tweet

Everyone encounters failure. It is inevitable. It’s what you do after failures that truly matters. Will you give up in the face of adversity or will you learn from your mistakes?

Stop trying to be an instant success. Failure is part of the game.

The next time you think about quitting, just remember success takes time. It doesn’t matter if it takes you one year or ten years. If you are persistent and dedicated, you will find success.

So many people give up. You automatically have a leg up on the competition simply by persisting. Just take your time, learn from your failures, and don’t give up on your dreams.

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Photo by Saff’s Photography

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Quote Art

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Print available on Storenvy.

Everyone wants to live in a better world but have you done your part to make it better?

I am by no means better than anyone else. I am fallible to mistakes. I lose my temper. I don’t give as much as I can. Despite all of this, I am still trying to make the world a better place in my own way.

No, I’m not aspiring for world peace or trying to end world hunger, but I am trying to make my own dent in the world. Here are a few ways that I am trying to make a change in the world:

Inspiring Others

The best way to inspire is by example Click To Tweet

I have always found inspiration an interesting topic. We can’t force someone to be inspired. We can try to inspire people all we want, but I believe the best way to inspire is by example.

Even if you are in the beginning stages of your adventure, you are still farther along than others. If you can show people what is possible, you can become an inspiration to them.

Telling Positive Stories

Every day, we encounter people telling us how horrible the world is. The news mostly shows us the negative side of humanity. In my pursuit to help artists, I try to share the positive aspects of humanity.

I want to show people what is possible if you are dedicated to your craft. I want to show people that success is possible. I want to promote people who are making a difference in this world.

Sharing Knowledge

Knowledge is one of the most important things you can attain towards becoming a better artist, a better creative, and a better person. I am constantly on the quest to find new knowledge.

When you have knowledge, you can make better decisions. You can follow the footsteps of people who came before you , and you can also go off the beaten path.

The more knowledgeable we all are, the better off we will be Click To Tweet

That is why I want to share my knowledge with all of you. The more knowledgeable we all are, the better off we will be. It can be hard to make it on our own without seeking to become a more informed person.

Knowledge, however, isn’t all that is necessary to succeed in life. You must also take action.

Pushing People Into Action

What separates people who move up in life versus those who don’t? It’s not how smart you are, how attractive you are, or how loud you are. It’s taking the knowledge you have and putting it into action.

You can be smart, and still make nothing of your life. Attractiveness gives you a slight edge, but it can only take you so far. You can be the most vocal person around, but no one has to listen.

It is only when you put your ideas into action that you can succeed Click To Tweet

It is only when you put your ideas into action that you can succeed. That is why I try to push people into doing something.

If you are feeling stuck in your art practice or in your life, don’t sit around worrying about it. Do something about it.

Taking action provides incredible results Click To Tweet

Taking action provides incredible results. If I didn’t take action, I would use all my free time watching Netflix. Instead, I choose to take action and make progress on my goals. You should too.

Buy Mahatma Gandhi Quote Art

Art Marketing Online – How To Go From Discovering Your Audience to Building a Passionate Fan Base

This is a long article. If you want to read a summary of what is covered in it, you can jump to and read the conclusion.

One of the most commonly asked questions artists ask is “How can I market and sell my art online?” While it can be very beneficial to sell your art online, it is also a lot of work. There is no magic bullet for selling your work online.

Everyone wants a shortcut. We see other people doing the things we want to do and assume they got there overnight. We want success, but are we willing to put in the work?

You are different. You are here because you want to learn exactly what it takes to build an audience. You are willing to put in the work. You want to build a business around your art.

In order to sell your art online, you must first build an audience. Click To Tweet

In order to sell your art online, you must first build an audience. You might think this is common sense, but many artists overlook this basic fact. If you want to sell your art online and build a lasting business from it, there are some very important things you must do.

This guide is intended to teach you some of these essential elements. It will help you turn your art from a hobby into a business. It will cover everything from finding your audience to building a passionate group of fans. So, let’s get started.

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Michael Zaytsev on Mindsets, Coaching, and Starting His Own Venture in High NY – Cracking Creativity Episode 33

Michael Zaytsev is a life coach and founder of High NY. Before taking on his current roles, he was a financial analyst for J.P. Morgan and a sales rep for Google. In this episode, Michael talks about lessons he learned at J.P. Morgan and Google, why coaching is important, and why he took up the mantle at High NY.

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“I am still learning.” – Michelangelo Quote Art

“I am still learning.” – Michelangelo

Print available on Storenvy.

Michelangelo is considered one of the greatest artists to ever live. His art defines the Renaissance, one of the most prolific art periods in human history.

People flock from far and wide to view his statue of David and frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He even had a cartoon ninja turtle named after him.

Unlike many artists, Michelangelo did not die in obscurity. After his death, he was revered by the people of Florence and was given the title “father and master of all the arts”. He also lived to see two biographies written about him.

Through all of this, you might assume Michelangelo had it all figured out. You might think his mastery of painting, sculpture, and architecture would make him content with his own skills. But that is not the case.

Learning helps us grow our minds and ourselves. Click To Tweet

Michelangelo’s quote about learning shows us the futility of settling. We should never stop learning. Learning helps us grow our minds and ourselves. It helps us build our skill set and also helps us relate to others.

If you ever become content with your knowledge of a craft, remember the masters like Michelangelo. They were not happy with what they knew. They did not settle for good enough. You shouldn’t either.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 27: Lee Moyer on learning from others, dealing with criticism, and his Kickstarter game

Lee Moyer is a polymath and illustrator who has been working for over 35 years. He has worked with book publishers, theaters, and game developers among many other things. In this episode, we talk about a lot of topics including learning from others, how to handle criticism and information overload, and his Kickstarter project The Doom that Came to Atlantic City.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 26: Katy Walker and Joel Mejia on Taking Action, Working with Limitations, and Empowering Others

Katy Walker and Joel Mejia are the co-directors of the Time is Art documentary, a film that follow’s Jennifer Palmer’s journey after her aunt’s death and her exploration of synchronicity. They are also the minds behind Things Are Changing Productions, a creative collective that produces youth media programs, indie films, and music videos. In this episode we explore what you must do to take action, why you should work with limitations, and the benefits of empowering others.

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