“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” – Michael Jackson
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If you want to learn, learn from the best. Click To TweetIf you want to learn, learn from the best. People throughout human history have turned to those who came before them. They studied and dissected the masters of their chosen craft and saw great results because of it. You can see influences throughout the works of great artists and thinkers.
People these days have a tendency to gravitate towards the newest thing. They read the latest blog posts just so they can test out another new strategy. Yet, when they try to use them, they don’t get anywhere near the results. The mistake isn’t in the execution, it’s in the constant desire to get the fastest results.
Instead of testing every new tip and trick you encounter, study the principles behind them first. Every new strategy has been influenced by the masters from the past. Instead of asking how someone accomplished a task, ask why they did it. It is only by understanding why someone did something that you will understand how they did it.
Achieving success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Click To TweetIf you are looking to become great at your chosen craft, you must first look at the masters who came before you. Learn from their mistakes. Dissect what made them great. Achieving success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Take your time and be deliberate about your studies.
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