“You must be prepared to work always without applause.” – Ernest Hemingway
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Growing up, we have been praised for every great thing we did. Our parents applaud us as we take our very first steps. Our schools honor us when we get straight A’s. We get trophies just for playing a sport. Is it a wonder that we are always out seeking praise for our work?
At some point in life, we realize the praise has stopped coming. We have been conditioned to look for applause every time we accomplish a task. Yet, we no longer hear it.
The truth is, you won’t always be praised for the work you do, and that’s a good thing. You should not be motivated by external affirmation of your work. You should be motivated by the work itself.
When we are rewarded for everything we do, we become complacent. We no longer try our best. We become trapped by our routine.
If you consistently do good work, people will recognize it. Click To TweetIf you consistently do good work, people will recognize it. Instead of seeking it out, you should earn it.
Doing your best work is not only fulfilling, it is also the only way to stand out when everything and everyone is fighting for the attention of our audience. So, the next time you aren’t recognized for your work, stop complaining. Instead, find out how you can do better.
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