Selling Art, Not Selling Out

Tag: Aristotle

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle Quote Art

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

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It was only after writing every single day did I become a more consistent and better communicator. Two years ago, I barely wrote at all and I was definitely not writing down ten ideas a day.

Since then, much has changed. I write at least 100 words every morning. Writing each day has helped clarify ideas I have in my mind. It has helped me grow an audience of dedicated artists who want to share their art with the world.

The blank slate is a terrifying thing. It is only when you begin to fill it that the world makes sense. Would I be able to get my ideas out there if I didn’t write daily? Probably, but, those thoughts would not be as refined. The habit of writing has helped bring incredible clarity into my life.

Before I found James Altucher’s ten ideas a day, I always had trouble coming up with ideas. Occasionally one would come into my head but it would die just as quickly.

Writing down ten ideas a day has made me an idea machine. It has shown me how to break projects down into manageable and actionable pieces. It has allowed me to write some of my most popular posts. It has given me direction when interviewing people for my podcast. If I didn’t practice this daily, I would not be where I am today.

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You can not achieve excellence without habit. Shakespeare did not write his plays in a single day. Mozart did not compose concertos in a night. Michelangelo did not paint the Sistine Chapel over a weekend.

Habits create the foundation of greatness. Don’t believe in the exaggeration of the overnight success. People do not achieve success instantaneously. They achieve it through consistent and focused repetition.

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Painting by Raphael