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Tag: creativity (Page 2 of 2)

Cracking Creativity Episode 7: Christina Salerno on Living Quirky, Finding Yourself, Connecting with Others, and Being Creative

Christina Salerno is the founder of Living Quirky, a site where people can discover and celebrate what makes us extraordinary. In this episode, Christina talks about finding her purpose in life, how we can connect with others, and things we can do to be more creative.

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Cracking Creativity Episode 1: Joshua Carrasco aka Madd Illz on Freestyle Rapping, Battle Rapping, and Creativity

Madd Illz is one of the most respected freestyle rappers and the founder of Grind Time Now a battle rap league. In this episode he shares the differences between freestyle and researched rap battles, the creative process, his work with the United Nations, how pop culture, chess, and poker make you more creative, among many other things.

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“The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” – Pablo Picasso Quote Art

“The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.” – Pablo Picasso

Print available on Society6.

Whenever I have an idea that is out of the norm a nagging voice pops into my head, “That’s a dumb idea.”

I once had the idea to help people find where they can buy things they found on Pinterest or Tumblr. All you had to do is upload a photo, tag it with keywords, and tell others where you found the photo. Then the community tell you where you could buy it. I decided against investing money into building it and a few years later, multiple companies built it.

In college I had the idea for a helmet that would record exactly what you saw, and it would save it for you to watch later. A few years later, GoPros came out.

In both cases my “good sense” told me not to pursue my ideas. Both times, someone else did. I’m not saying these ideas would have succeeded. I will never know if they would have.

[bctt tweet=”Good sense and creativity mix like oil and water”]

The point is not to lament my mistakes. The point is good sense and creativity mix like oil and water. If you want to come up with creative ideas, don’t let good sense get in your way. Who knows how many great ideas have not been pursued because someone was afraid their idea was dumb.

[bctt tweet=”If you want to be creative, let ideas come to you”]

If you want to be creative, let ideas come to you. Don’t knock them down. Pursue the ones that have potential even if your mind tells you they won’t work.

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You Can’t Use Up Creativity – Maya Angelou Quote Art

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ― Maya Angelou

Print available on Society6.

Maya Angelou’s quote on creativity is a wonderful example of an abundance vs scarcity mindset. Too often, we go through life trying to preserve rather than create. We say things like “How can I cut costs to afford my next vacation?” instead of saying “What can I do to make some extra money to go on my next vacation?”

We have this same mindset when it comes to creativity. “I don’t why to use up all my good ideas.” “I’ll save that one for later.” We are taught to think of everything as a scarce resource. If you think this way when it comes to creativity, you will create very few good ideas.

[bctt tweet=”Creativity is not something you should utilize once in a blue moon.”]

Creativity is not something you should utilize once in a blue moon. It builds up like an avalanche. If you are constantly coming up with ideas, you will never run out. Instead of treating creativity like something that will diminish, think of it like something that can grow stronger the more you use it.

What are your thoughts on creativity? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

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