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Talent vs. Curiosity – Albert Einstein Quote Art

“I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein

Print available on Society6.

We are taught that talent is everything. Only virtuosos will be able to fill a concert hall. Prodigies are held up to an impossible standard by the rest of society. What if that didn’t have to be the case?

Talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful Click To Tweet

Luckily for all of us, talent only plays a small roll in our ability to be successful. Have you ever wondered what happened to those child prodigies when they grew up? Some grow up and live up to those lofty expectations. Others go on to lead a life like most people. What differentiates those who succeed and those who don’t?

You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed Click To Tweet

If you are a child who is amazing at playing the piano, but have not desire to do so, will you continue to play? Probably not. You must possess some combination of talent, grit, passion and curiosity to succeed.

Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world Click To Tweet

As artists, you must be a student of the world. Find out what makes you tick, and pursue that without abandon. Reach back into that childlike curiosity and learn from the world. Question things. Experiment. Don’t give up.

Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless Click To Tweet

Talent without passion and curiosity is meaningless. Stop worrying about how much talent you have, and let your passion and curiosity guide you.

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Photo by ApertureVintage

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