Christina Salerno is the founder of Living Quirky, a site where people can discover and celebrate what makes us extraordinary. In this episode, Christina talks about finding her purpose in life, how we can connect with others, and things we can do to be more creative.
Author: Kevin Chung (Page 17 of 21)
“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” – Michael Jackson
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[bctt tweet=”If you want to learn, learn from the best.”]
If you want to learn, learn from the best. People throughout human history have turned to those who came before them. They studied and dissected the masters of their chosen craft and saw great results because of it. You can see influences throughout the works of great artists and thinkers.
People these days have a tendency to gravitate towards the newest thing. They read the latest blog posts just so they can test out another new strategy. Yet, when they try to use them, they don’t get anywhere near the results. The mistake isn’t in the execution, it’s in the constant desire to get the fastest results.
Instead of testing every new tip and trick you encounter, study the principles behind them first. Every new strategy has been influenced by the masters from the past. Instead of asking how someone accomplished a task, ask why they did it. It is only by understanding why someone did something that you will understand how they did it.
[bctt tweet=” Achieving success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.”]
If you are looking to become great at your chosen craft, you must first look at the masters who came before you. Learn from their mistakes. Dissect what made them great. Achieving success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Take your time and be deliberate about your studies.
Unlike many people, I don’t have a problem coming up with ideas. I have trouble choosing what ideas to focus on. Becoming successful is not about how many good ideas you can come up with. Anyone can come up with good ideas. Becoming successful is about focusing on a few good ideas and seeing them out to completion.
One thing I do every day is James Altucher‘s method for becoming an idea machine. Each day I write down ten ideas based on a single topic. The purpose of this exercise is not to come up with ten good ideas. It’s to exercise your idea muscle. Just like any other muscle in your body, you must exercise your idea muscle to make it stronger.
One of the topics I chose was Ways for Artists to Promote Their Art. I may or may not get to these ideas some day, but you are free to try them if they pique your interest.
Jason Goughnour is the creator of the site Live Music Tutor which lets people learn to play instruments online. In this episode Jason talks about coming up with the idea for his site, building a team of people to make his idea come true, and tips for starting your own creative project.
“Overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary.” – Uta Hagen
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Since the advent of the assembly line, we have built society to follow a singular path through life. We have aimed for efficiency in everything we do.
You go to school and learn the same things as everyone else. You graduate from high school and go to college so you can get a job working 40 hours a week.
Then you get married, buy a few cars, get a house, and work for 40+ years so you can retire. This is the so-called American dream.
Is that all there is to life? Are we destined to follow the same path as everyone else? Are we happy living life on auto-pilot?
You don’t have to live life this way. When you live an ordinary life, you are denying yourself the opportunity to do something incredible. Who says you have to settle?
[bctt tweet=”Go beyond the call of duty and do something that will leave a legacy.”]
The only way to break from the shackles of an ordinary life is to do something extraordinary. Find ways you can make a lasting impact. Go beyond the call of duty and do something that will leave a legacy.
Carl Rosa is the founder of the Sushi Club of Houston and he also runs fantastic group trips to Japan. In this episode, Carl talks about how Hurricane Katrina and his terrible first experience with sushi were the catalysts to creating the Sushi Club of Houston, how he started the club without knowing anything about sushi, how he started teaching his own sushi classes, and his journey of taking people on trips to Japan.
“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe” – Oprah Winfrey
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Pessimism is one of the great tragedies of life. Just take a moment and reflect on your life. Despite what the media will have you believe, we live in the safest time in human history. We live in a time where you can communicate instantly with people across the world. We live in a time where people can build audiences in the millions without going through the gatekeepers of the past. Why are we so negative?
We are letting those in charge dictate what we believe. We tell children every day there is only one way to go through life. Graduate from high school, go to college, find a job, get married, work for forty years, and be grateful for what you have. If you don’t follow that exact formula, you are deemed a failure. What if you don’t want to follow that path? What if you want to create a path for yourself?
When I was a child, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I was going to be a Disney animator. Then, in high school, I wanted to be an architect, and in college I wanted to work in the movies. I never pursued those dreams, but that is okay. Everything I have done has led me to where I am now.
[bctt tweet=”I believe the greatest path to success is by helping others achieve success.”]
I have found my vision for the future. I want to be a difference maker. Instead of pursuing a career path for myself, I want to help other artists pursue a path of their own. I have gone from only thinking about myself to thinking about others. I believe the greatest path to success is by helping others achieve success.
[bctt tweet=”Discover your grand vision for life and pursue it without abandon…”]
We only get one chance at life on Earth. Why let others dictate our lives for us? Discover your grand vision for life and pursue it without abandon because you can only achieve what you believe. When you are near the end of your life, do you want to look back in regret or do you want to look back and celebrate everything you’ve done?
Mary Dooley is the author of two self-published books, Espresso Yourself and Espresso Yourself Too. In this episode, Mary talks about how a Christmas gift idea for her co-workers turned into her two Espresso Yourself books, how she met and started a relationship with the president of Starbucks America, some tips on self-publishing, and some her favorite quotes from the books.
Jacques Ho is a Salsa dancer and instructor in Denver Colorado. In this episode, Jacques talks about what makes a successful dance, what dancing can teach us about ourselves and others, why you should always be in the present moment, and how he became a Salsa fanatic by accident. He also dives into his upcoming research and gratitude projects which can teach us about being of service and leaving a lasting impact.
“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker
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There are two ways you can live your life. You can live the ambitious life of a warrior or the fearful life of a worrier.
The warrior chooses to march on despite all odds. They figure their way out of jams. They take what they are given and run with it, even if that means they might fail.
The worrier is content exactly where they are. They are afraid of what might happen if they fail. They take no chances and hope luck will take care of them.
What separates one from the other? Persistence. When adversity strikes, warriors do not give up. They are determined to succeed, no matter the obstacle. Worriers shrink and shrivel. They give up before they’ve even begun.
[bctt tweet=”Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them.”]
If you are happy where you are, stay a worrier. It makes it easier for the rest of us. If you are tired of waiting around for something good to happen to you, become a warrior. Warriors conquer the world, worriers sit at home and let them.
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