Selling Art, Not Selling Out

Author: Kevin Chung (Page 8 of 21)

“You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” ― Dr. Seuss Quote Art

“You’re off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So… get on your way!”

― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Print available on Storenvy.

My friend Tyler Bel has a way with people. She is able to connect with people on a deep and emotional level. There is one thing she does in particular that had me floored the first time I heard it.

When working with clients she would give them this scenario: Imagine if I had a fairy wand, and could make any wish come true. “What would tomorrow be like? A miracle happened… your wildest dreams have come true. What does tomorrow look like?”

This question often shakes people to their core. It’s not one of those questions you have a prepared answer for. It really makes you think about what you’re doing. It makes you wonder whether you are living up to your own expectations.

It has affected some people so much that they not only changed their jobs. They changed the industry they worked in completely.

It makes you wonder why we don’t ask ourselves that very same question. Am I living the life I want to live? If I could make any wish come true, what would it be? What would tomorrow look like for me?

[bctt tweet=”We can make our way towards that dream starting today” username=”kevin_chung”]

The thing is, we don’t have to wait for tomorrow. We can make our way towards that dream starting today. Remember, our lives our a marathon, not a sprint.

If we start today, we can achieve our goals. We just have to break our goals down into smaller, more manageable, steps and tackle them one at a time. Just determine the first step you need to take, and do it. Then figure out the next step, and do that. But, you have to start today. Not tomorrow. Not some day. Today.

We can get to those Great Places. We can find the mountain that’s been waiting for us. So why wait? Let’s get on our way.

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Photo by Alana

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Quote Art

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Print available on Storenvy.

“You did what?”

Many people who hear those words become squeamish. We only hear those words when we’ve done something unthinkable. We only hear those words when we do something brave.

Those are the words I want to hear when people learn about my journey. I want people to do a double take. I want people to wonder how I made that leap.

Whenever you hear about someone leaving a cushy job to pursue their dreams, you become skeptical. “You did what?” They tell stories about all the doubters. The haters. The jealous.

Those doubters are the ones who are insecure. They are the ones who aren’t pursuing their dreams. They are the ones who feel like they need a change. They are the ones who feel like they are making a mistake.

Skepticism is often a sign that you are doing something meaningful. When you tell people about your work, do they move on to the next question or do they become curious?

One of the biggest signs you are achieving your dreams is when people look at you like you’re insane. There are many examples of people who were considered insane for leaving their careers behind:

Vera Wang started her wedding business with no experience in the wedding industry. Tim and Nina Zagat quit their legal careers to work on their restaurant guide. Ronald Reagan left his career as a famous actor to become a politician.

You are not the crazy one for pursuing your dreams. After all, you are just dancing. People who think you are insane just can’t hear the music.

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Photo by Florent Chretien

Thom Fox on Life Changing Moments, the Importance of Strong Relationships, and The Value of a Startup Mentality – Cracking Creativity Episode 48

Thom Fox is a strategy consultant who helps companies with complex problems. He has created economic empowerment programs that have reached over 3 million people and has conducted 1,200 seminars, workshops and keynotes. But his story wasn’t always one filled with success.

Thom started off in a life of crime and with an addiction to angel dust. He broke into people’s homes and got arrested at the age of 14. It wasn’t until he was 19 years old that he realized he needed to make a change in his life. It was in that moment that clarity was brought into his life, and got him on the path towards success.

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“I’m never any better than my last concert… it’s like an audition each time.” ― B.B. King Quote Art

“I’m never any better than my last concert or the last time I played, so it’s like an audition each time.” ― B.B. King

Print available on Storenvy.

One bad thing about success is, we often rest on laurels. We finally hit our goal and expect everything to magically come together.

You know those moments. It’s the moment when: we get our painting in a gallery, we get published in a magazine, or we hit a five figure month in sales.

It’s exhilarating. We’ve worked so hard to get here. But then we get complacent. We think that just because we are in a gallery or publication that everything will become easier.

While these moments are fantastic and worth celebrating, that doesn’t mean things will become easier. In fact, we aren’t close to being done yet. We are just getting started.

Hitting a milestone alone won’t help you find more success. It’s what you do after you’ve hit the milestone that counts.

Anyone can become a published author. Anyone can get 100,000 views on their website. Anyone can get published in a big time magazine. But what do you do afterwards?

Will you continue on that upwards trajectory or will you become complacent? That is the difference between a professional and an amateur.

B.B. King was one of the most decorated and highly regarded blues guitarists in the world, yet he still approached each concert, each performance, like it was his last. He did not rely on his name or stature to get gigs. He worked hard every time he played to earn his next gig.

If you think one successful moment is good enough to bring you recognition and respect, think again. You have to earn that respect every time you create. You have to treat every piece of art, every performance, every book like it’s your last.

That is how you gain respect. That is how you gain recognition. That is how you find success.

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Photo by Harvey Salvador

“Life Is Either a Daring Adventure or Nothing” ― Helen Keller Quote Art

“Life Is Either a Daring Adventure or Nothing” ― Helen Keller

Print available on Storenvy.

When we are children, the whole world is ours. We can blast off in a space ship. We can travel in time. We can build and conquer empires.

Our lives were filled with adventure. Swing sets became our flying machines. Slides transported us from safety  to the unknowns of the wilderness below. The back yard was a jungle filled with wonderful plants and animals to explore.

Then it all comes crashing down. We lose touch with our imaginations. We get stuck in reality. We no longer live with that once adventurous spirit.

What happened? Why did life go from a place of wonder to a place of routine and predictability? Can we bring it back again?

The problem is, life happens. We let the burden of our responsibilities take control of our lives. We stop using our imaginations. We stop exploring the world. We stop going on adventures.

The good news is, it’s not too late. We can live a life of adventure again. We just have to be intentional about it. After all, is a life without adventure, really worth living?

Luckily, we don’t have to go very far to live an adventurous life. Contrary to popular belief, an adventurous life isn’t just for people who backpack around the world. It isn’t just snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef or going on a safari in the Serengeti (although those are definitely adventurous too).

To live an adventurous life, you just have to define it. It’s different for every person. While some people might enjoy climbing a mountain, you might enjoy exploring an abandoned building. While some people might enjoy exploring in the jungle, you might enjoy a hike on a trail.

Figure out what makes life adventurous for you, then go out and do it. It’s as simple as that. Just know, you don’t have to travel around the world to be adventurous. What activities light you up inside? What did you do for fun as a child? Go do those things again.

Stop waiting for life to happen to you. Make life happen for yourself. If Helen Keller can live a life of adventure, why can’t you?

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Photo by Dino Reichmuth

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old…” ― George Bernard Shaw Quote Art

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing!” ― George Bernard Shaw

Print available on Storenvy.

I remember the days when I would play every day. My neighborhood was built for it.

There was a basketball hoop in the driveway. There was an empty lot in the corner where we would play baseball. Cars had to drive slowly in the neighborhood because we often had impromptu football and street hockey games in the road. And those were just the outdoor activities.

We also held wrestling matches on beds. We tried to unravel the mysteries of Myst. We had Pinochle almost every week.

There is moment this all changes. For me, it was high school. School burdens us with hours of homework. We have to prepare for the future. We stop playing in the yard. We try to do more adult things. We lose the magic of childhood and the element of play.

It is at this moment that we start to feel old. We go from getting good grades in high school to getting into college. We go from college to a job. Then we find a spouse. We buy a car. We get a house with a white picket fence.

Our obligations pile up. Time flies by. Until one day we look back and wonder where all that time went. Why do I feel so old? When did I stop having fun? Why does everything feel like a chore?

It happened because you’ve zapped all the joy out of life. You stopped playing, and it has made you old. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can fix that feeling of time passing you by. All you have to do is add back that element of play.

[bctt tweet=”The people who find the most joy in life are also the most playful” username=”kevin_chung”]

The people who find the most joy in life are also the most playful. Don’t be one of those stodgy old people that never has fun. What brought you extreme joy as a child? Rediscover that. Or find something completely new to enjoy. Either way, if you want to stop the feeling of growing old, go out and play.

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Dr. Matt Westheimer on Mentorships, Relationships, and the Importance of a Process Based Mindset – Cracking Creativity Episode 46

Dr. Matt Westheimer is a chiropractor and the founder of Elite Blueprint.  In this episode Matt talks about his journey of selling everything he had to build a chiropractic practice in Singapore, the role mentors have played in his life, why you need support from the people around you, and the reason the process is more important than the result.

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“The graveyard is the richest place on earth” – Les Brown Quote Art

“The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”
–  Les Brown

Print available on Storenvy.

We live in an era of untold wealth. The average person in a first world country today lives many times better than sultans and kings of years past.

We don’t have to worry about where we will find our next meal. We don’t have to worry about finding water that’s drinkable enough not to kill us. We don’t have to worry about constant invasions from other countries or kingdoms. We truly live in a time of comfort and stability.

Yet many of our riches go to waste. I’m not talking about a billionaire’s inheritance. I’m not talking about all the things we throw away or the amount of food that goes to waste. I’m talking about the people who lived in such comfort, but chose to do nothing with all the fortunes of the modern world.

Many of us live in such comfort but never pursue our dreams. We repeat the same two words far too often: someday. “I want to write a book… someday.”, “I’ll learn to play an instrument… someday.”, “I will build my business… someday.”

[bctt tweet=”How do we know we love something unless we do it? “]

It’s as if we are allergic to doing the work today. We tell ourselves we are ambitious, but never actually pursue the thing we say we love. How do we know we love something unless we do it? How do we pursue our dreams?

[bctt tweet=”Stop being afraid…”]

By getting over our fears. Stop being afraid of taking that first step. Stop being afraid of finishing that piece you’ve been working on for years. Stop being afraid of releasing your work into the world. Stop being afraid of putting a price tag on your art.

[bctt tweet=”The world doesn’t just want the gifts you have to share, the world needs them”]

The world doesn’t just want the gifts you have to share, the world needs them. How many people can you positively affect through your work? How many lives can you touch? How many people can you inspire to do greater things?

[bctt tweet=”Make the world a richer place by sharing your talents with it”]

If we want to deprive graveyards of future riches, we must be willing to pursue our creative callings. We must be willing to share our gifts with the world. Don’t live your life filled with regret. Sure, you might fail. We all do. But don’t let that discourage you. Make the world a richer place by sharing your talents with it.

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Photo by jimmy brown

Cynthia Morris on the Challenges of a Creative Life, Letting Your Creative Self Lead, and Creating Your Own Stories – Cracking Creativity Episode 45

Cynthia Morris is an author, illustrator, and the creator Original Impulse. She has turned many of her ideas to reality from completing a novel to running creativity workshops in Paris. In this episode, Cynthia talks about the struggles of a creative life, listening to your inner artist, and the need to create our own stories.

Here are three things you can learn from Cynthia:

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