Who inspires you? That’s not a rhetorical question. I want you to think about it. If you can’t think of anyone who inspires you to accomplish great things, you need to start looking. You need people in your life who can help you get over the hump, people who light a fire under you. For […]
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“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” – Michael Jackson Quote Art
“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” – Michael Jackson Print available on Society6. [bctt tweet=”If you want to learn, learn from the best.”] If you want to learn, learn from the best. People throughout human history have turned to those who came before them. They studied and dissected the […]
Main photo by elhombredenegro Unlike many people, I don’t have a problem coming up with ideas. I have trouble choosing what ideas to focus on. Becoming successful is not about how many good ideas you can come up with. Anyone can come up with good ideas. Becoming successful is about focusing on a few good ideas […]

Cracking Creativity Episode 6: Jason Goughnour on Live Music Tutor, Bringing Your Ideas to Reality, and the Future of Online Learning
Jason Goughnour is the creator of the site Live Music Tutor which lets people learn to play instruments online. In this episode Jason talks about coming up with the idea for his site, building a team of people to make his idea come true, and tips for starting your own creative project.
Who has the time to run a side business in addition to holding a full-time job, and dedicating ourselves to the art that we love? Making a living as an artist is not an easy task. There are so many things you have to do. From creating a website, to blogging, to handling your finances, […]

“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe” – Oprah Winfrey Quote Art
“Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe” – Oprah Winfrey Print available on Society6. Pessimism is one of the great tragedies of life. Just take a moment and reflect on your life. Despite what the media will have you believe, we live in the safest time in […]
Jacques Ho is a Salsa dancer and instructor in Denver Colorado. In this episode, Jacques talks about what makes a successful dance, what dancing can teach us about ourselves and others, why you should always be in the present moment, and how he became a Salsa fanatic by accident. He also dives into his upcoming […]

“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker Quote Art
“Warriors keep moving forward. Worriers do little and play it safe. Be a warrior, not a worrier.” – Bob Baker Print available on Society6. There are two ways you can live your life. You can live the ambitious life of a warrior or the fearful life of a worrier. The warrior chooses to march on […]
Chris Krimitsos is the mind behind the wonderful podcast Story Jam Theatre, which features stories about epic fails, aha moments, and life changing experiences told at live storytelling events. In this episode Chris talk about storytelling, the emotions of stories, and how every person has a story to tell. He also talks about how his […]

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary
“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary Print available on Society6. Every goal you have is like a mountain waiting to be scaled. Before you begin your ascent, you are filled with hope and excitement. You believe you can accomplish anything. Then you hit some unforeseen obstacles. Do you quit […]
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